Matthew Fray

The Lazarus Theory: Bringing Relationships Back From the Dead
They say the opposite of love isn’t hate, but indifference. I don’t believe that. I think hate is love’s antonym.…
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The Worst Thing Wives Do
During our first year of marriage, my wife was so unhappy living in Florida that she wanted to move back…
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What Will I Tell My Son To Help Him Avoid Divorce?
Lynda asked: “My question for you is: what are you going to say to your son to teach him how…
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Is a Child More Important Than a Gorilla?
By now you probably know the story: A four-year-old boy crawled through some bushes and fell 15 feet to the…
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A Quick Note About Stuff and Things 5-31-2016
Hey guys. I had an unusually busy and not-super-fun weekend at a car dealership. I’ve decided that buying cars is…
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Do We Need Marriage?
Julia asked: “I’m one year post-divorce and still grappling with the idea of ever marrying again. I used to feel…
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The Life Blueprint
“All models are wrong. Some are useful.” – Faris Yakob … The Life Blueprint® is a lottery system which varies…
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‘This is why you shouldn’t get married’
Grumpy old divorced or unhappily married men say it a lot. They’re the guys complaining about their wives during the…
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New Things and Places Make You Grow and I’m Almost 1% of the Way There
Even though I lived in three different states growing up, I didn’t understand that people in other places were different…
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The Other Law of Attraction: Self-Worth and Gender Identity in a Mixed-Up World
What do women want? I think many guys started kicking the question around long before possessing the intellectual capacity to…
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Matt Fray

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