
Do You Really Know Your Spouse or Relationship Partner? (Video)
In today's video, we're discussing the idea of knowing your spouse or relationship partners.
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Are You Afraid When the Elevator Doors Open?
(Image/The Belltower – the Mount Aloysius College student newspaper)A friend of mine—female—was in a work meeting with a bunch of…
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What it Means When Your Partner Says You Always Make Everything About You
(Image/Big Think) Get my latest writing! Sign up  for my weekly-ish email newsletter to get my latest writing. Discover new…
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An Open Letter to Shitty Husbands, Vol. 15
(Image/Shutterstock)“My husband isn’t honest with me,” wives sometimes say to me.“You mean, he lies to you?” I reply.“No. I think…
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The Two Reoccurring Moments That Destroy Trust in Relationships
(Image/Clearway Community Solar)In one home, it’s a pair of dehumidifiers near the family’s basement laundry room.In another home, it’s a…
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Maybe Your Marriage Sucks Because You Don’t Really Know Your Spouse
I never really knew my wife even though we were married for nine years and together for 13. Not because…
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Not Afraid to Step Into the Fight When We Can’t See the Light
(Author’s note: Writing and posting today nearly undermines its intended purpose. Today is not a day for my voice. It’s…
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Love in the Time of Coronavirus
So I’ve been thinking about this virus going around. You know the one. I’m scheduled to turn 41 later this…
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Taking the Wheel Vs. Destroying Our Marriages on Autopilot
The word ‘habits’—at least for me—conjures images of working out or smoking or biting my fingernails. People talk about developing…
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The Idea That Would Have Saved My Marriage and Might Save Yours
The reasons more than half of all romantic relationships (including marriage) fail are not obvious to most people. If you…
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Matt Fray

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