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The Subtle Difference Between Shitty and Non-Shitty Husbands and Wives
The difference is so subtle that I didn’t recognize it until now.
And now that I have, it isn’t hard…
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Some People Are Women, Others Are Men, and it’s Getting Hard to Talk About
My most popular articles tell true stories about my failed marriage and also tend to include a bunch of my…
The Cancer of Misunderstanding
Remember when we were kids?
Afraid of getting on the big roller coasters. Afraid of jumping off the high-dive at…
The Power of Understanding
Person #1: “I love the way the red pomegranates, orange oranges and yellow bananas pop in this photo.”
Person #2:…
5 Sales and Writing Secrets That Could Save Your Marriage (and Make Your Relationships Thrive)
Couples struggle in relationships because they don’t know how to talk to each other.
There are other reasons. But that’s…
Maybe Jesus Was a Lousy Carpenter
I don’t know whether things like building inspectors or mechanisms for people to leave positive and negative customer reviews existed in…
We Interrupt This Broadcast
Hey guys.
I’ve never written a Purpose Statement for MBTTTR, but if I ever do, I imagine it will…
How to Fail at Saving Lives
Follow these 20 steps to do it right.
Have your parents get divorced when you’re young. Before kindergarten works.…
The Illusion of Incorrectness: The One Time Seeing the Other Woman Can Save Your Marriage
Megan wrote: “I posted your ‘She Divorced Me Because I Left Dishes by the Sink’ article on FB and my…
How Colorblindness Can Destroy Your Marriage
What’s more damaging to relationships: Inventing problems that don’t actually exist, or denying the existence of those that do?