Matthew Fray

The Underdog
I have to set the record straight. Because a lot of people seem to think I’m this big mess of…
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The Write Stuff: Gotta Find a Home
The world started changing with a breakfast sandwich and a cup of coffee. He was walking to work. She was…
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How to Feel Grateful
I just watched Life of Pi. Reading the book was on my to-do list. But I just never got around…
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Grade School Shenanigans
I kept my head down. My first-grade teacher was really letting me have it in front of the entire class.…
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Sept. 11, 2001: A Reflection on Freedom
It’s the jumpers plummeting to their deaths that I’ll always think of first. A half hour earlier, everyone in those…
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Hey, Match Girls: Piss Off. You Had Your Chance.
Now that I no longer have an active account, women are emailing and “winking” at me, left and right.…
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The Write Stuff: Dysfunctional Literacy
I’ve decided to write about writing. Maybe it can be a regular thing. Maybe I’ll do it every Sunday. Maybe…
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Good Shit
You might think I lack self-confidence. The entire theme of Must Be This Tall To Ride has a sometimes serious,…
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How to Succeed at Anything
It’s not easy. But it is simple. If you want to succeed—in anything, whether it be love, or work, or…
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Writer’s Block
I lose sleep over it. Writer’s block. Because this project matters to me. Other than my son and job, I…
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Matt Fray

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