Matthew Fray

The Strangers We Live With: Maybe Birth Control, Food & Aging Dooms Our Relationships
Even the most-honest people lie sometimes. When we love or even just like someone, the last thing we want to…
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What Screws Us Up Most in Life
There’s at least one missing child. A beautiful little thing I would love intensely. Maybe this would be the first…
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Can Male Attractiveness and Good Husbandry Coexist?
When I was a kid, I liked big two-story houses with full basements better than other home designs. Three stories…
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What Men Should Learn From Straight Women Choosing Other Women
I think women, with increasing frequency, are choosing romantic relationships with other women over men because of how poorly men…
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Our Political System is Broken for the Same Reason Our Relationships End
NOTE: I wasn’t planning to post today, and certainly not about politics, but my response to a comment on yesterday’s…
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Trump Election Should Inspire Hope and Action
The school levy passed in my town. Because of that, maybe our schools won’t deteriorate, and maybe student performance won’t…
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What’s Next For MBTTTR?
“Shit or get off the pot,” is a fairly common idiom where I’m from. Aside from evoking troubling images of…
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Commitment Phobia: When Relationship Avoidance Isn’t Dumb
I have commitment issues. The classic kind, like when it’s easy to choose between Chicken, Seafood or Vegetarian at the…
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The Thing Divorced Parents Fear Most
When people experience divorce, several life changes happen at once, often compounding an already-excruciating time for those involved. First, your partner…
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We Should Stop Blaming Marriage for Our Problems
“I’m never getting married! Everybody who does just ends up miserable!” Sometimes you’ll hear people call marriage a contrived social…
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Matt Fray

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