Matthew Fray

The Heaviest Laundry
I pulled the sexy underwear from the dryer. Black. Lace. Hot. It had been months since I’d touched her. But…
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Check Yourself Before You Autocorrect Yourself
“Hey! What’s the name of that HBO show you keep telling me to watch?” “A song of boners.” “A song…
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The Storm
My phone made a sound I’d never heard before. I picked it up and looked at the screen. Tornado warning.…
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The Hand That Rocks the Cradle
Many aspects of the human experience unite us. Commonalities. Things we all share. Our DNA is similar. Our biology and…
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The 95 Percent
“Hey, Matt! Why are you always talking about divorce!?!?” Because next to things like air and food and water, I…
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How to Be Hopeful, Vol. 2
Hope is most important when it feels hopeless. I’m sure everyone’s rock bottom looks and feels a little different. Mine…
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How to Be Hopeful
She would just smile and roll her eyes at me. My pretty wife. We’d be standing in the kitchen, or…
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An Open Letter to Shitty Husbands, Vol. 7
Divorce and broken homes and dysfunctional relationships are a global epidemic. Men have the most power to help solve the…
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How I Could Just Kill a Man
I could kill a person trying to harm my son. I could kill a person trying to harm others I…
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How James Altucher Saved My Life
James Altucher lied to get on television because he was afraid to fly on airplanes following the Sept. 11, 2001…
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Matt Fray

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