Matthew Fray

Surprise! I Don’t Completely Suck
“The more you suffer, the more it shows you really care. Right? Yeah!” — The Offspring … Some people think I…
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Hypocrisy, Dating & God Hating Me
So, I met a girl. She seems to like me. It’s weird, because that never happens. (Yes, that’s hyperbole.) But…
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Can We Trust Ourselves After Divorce?
You know it when you hear a song. You know it when you take a drink, read a book, or…
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No Bullshit: Gratitude Changes Everything
If you’re anything like me (and pretty much every other person, ever) you have countless memories of looking forward to…
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When Someday Gets Here
I used to believe depression was code for “weak,” and that criers were wimpy losers. I had heard of people…
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The Magic Boner
Men frequently demonstrate wisdom and foresight to protect future interests. Saving money for retirement. Physical fitness and healthy eating. Career…
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Vows, Bullshit and Personal Responsibility
bonbon2 wrote: “I don’t think it’s a wife’s responsibility to make husband understand what he should know, he is not…
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I Might Be a Narcissist
Gill B. asked: “I usually hate psychobabble. What’s done (really done) is done, and all that. However on reading these…
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Could the Loss of Tribe be Jeopardizing Your Marriage?
Because I’m an only child, my friends have been hugely important to me forever, and I think it was an…
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Divorce is Bad, but Some Things are Worse
Divorce is bad. I wish it wasn’t a thing. I don’t mean Let’s ban divorce! I mean, I wish we…
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Matt Fray

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