Matthew Fray

When You Say ‘It’s Not My Fault,’ it Becomes Your Fault
Imagine for a moment that two people plan and carry out an armed bank robbery. Just like you’ve seen in…
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Unidentified ADHD Probably Ended My Marriage
Okay. How do I explain this so people can understand? Favor request: Please set aside any preconceived notions, biases or…
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The Difference Between Knowing the Path and Walking the Path
Because I sometimes make bad decisions and do the wrong thing, I got internet-mouthy with readers in the comments of…
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I Guess I’m a Little Bit Sexist
A lot of people read my post about “dishes” (that wasn’t really about dishes) and came away believing I’m sexist,…
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‘My Wife is Irrational, Therefore She’s Wrong’
I know it’s hard, guys. I’ll never be confused for a genius or scholar, but I’m reasonably bright in a…
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Of Course It Was About More Than Dirty Dishes
I thought it was obvious that my wife didn’t—literally—want a divorce because of some dishes left by the sink. I…
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Cracking the Code: 7 Ideas That Would Have Saved My Marriage
Sobbing wives write me all the time, desperate for answers. “I just read your posts and cried all the way…
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We Put Everything Ahead of Marriage and Then Wonder Why It Fails
Let’s play a game. Serious multiple-choice quiz: 1. What educational subject interests you most? A. History B. Math C. Science…
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She Divorced Me Because I Left Dishes by the Sink
Every time she’d walk into the kitchen and find a drinking glass by the sink, she moved incrementally closer to moving out and ending our marriage. I just didn’t know it yet. But even if I had, I fear I wouldn’t have worked as hard to change my behavior as I would have stubbornly tried to get her to see things my way.
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‘Got any suggestions for this exhausted wife?’
Exhausted Wife wrote: “So I recently read your open letter to shitty husbands, and actually got my husband to read…
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Matt Fray

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