
She Divorced Me Because I Tried to Fix Her Problems
In nine years of marriage, it’s safe to assume my ex-wife and I ate dinner together between 2,500 and 3,000…
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To Find What’s Missing, Look in the Gaps
There’s what we believe. And then there’s whatever is absolutely 100-percent true and real. In the gap between our beliefs…
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How Does Your Personality Type Match Up With Your Partner’s?
It is my belief that the #1 reason marriages—or all types of close personal relationships—fail, is because the two people…
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Hire Me as Your Relationship Coach and Let’s Bend Some Spoons
“Wait. What?!” you might be thinking. I get it, because that’s exactly what I said to relationship coach, speaker and…
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Preparing for that Last Goodbye
Nothing sparks contemplation for me quite as intensely as the news of someone’s death. One of my best friends from…
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How the New Math vs. Old Math Debate is a Lot Like Your Marriage
Those of you living outside of the United States might not know this, but in 2009 the federal government launched…
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Maybe Your Love Life Sucks Because You Don’t Know What Love Is
There’s a guy. He’s having a really bad day because this girl he likes a lot decided to stop seeing…
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Should We Get Married? (Part 1)
In Wonder Woman lore—including the 2017 Gal Gadot film—there exists an island of Amazonian women unknown and invisible to the…
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I Didn’t Know Ponds and Cigars Could Do That
That’s my grandparents on their wedding day about 62 years ago. It’s one of my favorite photos. The handsome gentleman…
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You Can Check Out Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave
I’m good at hiding it. The emotional baggage I drag around all the time. Most of the time, I forget…
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Matt Fray

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