Matthew Fray

How to Seduce Your Wife (Because Your Old Single-Guy Tactics Won’t Work)
Google processes more than 60,000 internet searches every second, or nearly 6 billion per day, and the Nos. 1 and…
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The Cancer of Misunderstanding
Remember when we were kids? Afraid of getting on the big roller coasters. Afraid of jumping off the high-dive at…
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Safety and Trust in Relationships: Those Words Don’t Mean What You Think They Mean
Author’s Note: I think the #1 problem in the world is how poorly humans manage their relationships. Even if you…
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The One Where I Defend My Ideas Against Charges of Sexism and a Lack of Credibility
Mary said: It’s still an extremely negative piece that includes such statements as decent men ‘trying their God’s honest best…
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Guys: Emotions Matter, Are Normal, and You’re Not a Weak Pussy for Having Them
Author’s Note: I think the #1 problem in the world is how poorly humans manage their relationships. Even if you…
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The Things We Don’t Teach Men (And How It Ruins Everything)
The world fails men. We fail everyone, but we fail men in particular. And that failure leads to a countless…
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Can We Use Personality Matching and Astrology to Have the Perfect Partner and Marriage? Kind Of!
Someone asked me what I thought about using astrology as a compass for romantic compatibility. Fair question, I think. No…
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I Didn’t Trust My Wife Long Before She Stopped Trusting Me
I trusted my wife with everything I thought was important. I trusted her with everything that mattered to me. I…
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‘Should I Divorce My Wife?’
You two are fighting a lot, sleeping in separate places, not having sex, nor really even talking to each other…
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Influence Your Relationship Using the 6 Principles of Persuasion
Most divorce and breakups could be avoided if the partner most dedicated to the relationship could effectively persuade or influence…
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Matt Fray

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